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consulting4bit - Consulting for Business and IT

PuzzlePiecesConsulting4bit – Consulting for Business and IT. This name stands for consulting services that should address business and IT as focus groups in the same manner. In my professional life with more than 20 years of experience with the interface between business and IT I noticed again and again how important it is to have people in your organisation who are good at bringing those two groups together. If IT users meet IT geeks misunderstandings are commonplace. This impedes communication in day-to-day operations and also leads to insufficient results in projects. Mediators are - figuratively speaking- building a bridge between business and IT and thus contribute to improve the collaboration between them.




The topics where I offer consulting services for I know from my different positions. They include tasks and roles as a key user within the business, as an expert in the central IT department, as a business consultant in the outsourced inhouse IT, as a project manager or as an external consultant. In each role different aspects of the respective topic were important for me. As a key user you want to have user-friendly applications, as an expert encompassing concepts and as a project manager pragmatically applicable solutions. From all these different experiences I do benefit much today because if you already had a specific role you understand much better what the objectives and drivers of this role are as someone who only knows the view of one role.



HardSoftSkillsMany of my projects over the last years had the objective to deploy regional or global solutions and people from various cultures participated. Also the target groups for the services offered here are very different - they range from IT end users to top managers. In this environment expertise alone is not sufficient for a successful work. Soft Skills must complement the Hard Skills for a well-balanced overall picture. 


What can you expect from consulting4bit ? Next to the services offered here it is my ambition to build a bridge between business and IT. You know the wording "One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words". Often an analogy to describe an IT situation helps the business to better understand something than the commonplace Powerpoint presentations full of text and technical lingo. Also models and examples can be a better guide than abstract definitions. More ideas on this you can find in the information section.