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Data Management

GoldData like customer or product data are the most valuable assets an enterprise owns. If they are of high quality they have a substantial impact on the success of a company. If they get lost this can jeopardize the whole company.





DataManagementValueMatrixEigene Darstellung / Own PresentationIn contrast to this paramount importance of data it is surprising to find that the management of data is often not addressed appropriately or handled ad-hoc. Obviously you can find data definitions and standards or centralized data maintenance procedures. But if you take a closer look the focus of these measures is more on lowering the costs of data management but less on the aspect to reap more benefits from the data. The graphic illustrates for exemplary measures where the focus of data management is (click on graphic to enlarge).


A good example for demonstrating that many companies do not create benefits from their data is the topic data quality. If you take a closer look at data quality you often find that already clear criteria for assessing the quality are missing. In this situation data quality is just a subjective impression but not measurable and therefore not manageable. A typical example of poor data quality are data duplicates. They can create significant costs and risks. You can find an illustration for this in the information section. By just a simple check at data entry as part of a data quality check many data duplicates could be avoided.


ComputercrashData quality is a typical area that causes friction between business and IT. The responsibility for data quality is often delegated from business to IT. But only the business knows if the data has the right quality. The IT ensures that data quality criteria are met using appropriate technology. If still quality issues come up it is often not obvious what the root cause is and business and IT start to blame each other for the problems.


Well-managed data are prerequisite for good processes. The service "Data Management" helps you to build an encompassing concept. In addition to the service description you can find more information about this topic in the information section. A document here deals with a central question - the benefits of data management for the business.


Service Description "Data Management"

Service Description "Master Data Health Check"

Rationale for "Master Data Health Check"

Exemplary Master Data Management Strategy, can be sent on request